An approximate 6,000 miles away from San Diego,our leadership-volunteer Alina Calderon, will be our “Vivid Voice from Paraguay” reporting weekly on Friday’s with a #FieldReportFriday contribution on our various Social Media. Volunteering with the Peace Corps, Alina will share her experiences working with communities in Paraguay on projects in agriculture, community economic development, environment, and health.

Follow us via #FieldReportFriday and learn about Alina’s incredible volunteer work with the Peace Corps in remote areas of Paraguay!


– ABOUT Alina Orendain Calderon

A leadership member of the UN Association of San Diego since July 2016, Alina has quickly made her mark on the organization with her sheer endless eagerness to learn, can-do-attitude and incredible infectious energy. Her work over the past year as the Project Manager of Legislation & Advocacy has been invaluable and impactful. It is with heavy heart to have Alina leave San Diego yet we know she will continue her purpose of doing good in our communities across the world.

Asked about her intentions to work with the Peace Corp, Alina is excited to put her skills towards meaningful projects in which she can assist, learn and grow from: “Volunteering at Peace Corps will be a thrilling time and I have much to learn and prepare for my departure”

Aged 22, Alina graduated in June 2017 from San Diego State University, obtaining Bachelor of Arts in Sustainability and International Security and Conflict Resolution, with a specialization in Environment and Security. Born in San Diego, Alina speaks fluent Spanish and English; since high school, she dreamed of working in rural development somewhere in the world to contribute to the betterment of living standards.

Passionate, curious and a natural leader, Alina sought out the opportunity to pursue her dream by joining the Peace Corps and will be leaving to Paraguay for a two-year-service as Environmental Education Volunteer in September 2017.

– About Paraguay

The Peace Corps has been working in Paraguay since 1967, and the country is one of the oldest continuously operating posts in the agency. Nearly 5,000 Peace Corps Volunteers have served in Paraguay since 1967, and more than 40 years later, an average of 100 Volunteers arrive each year.

Paraguay is in the heart of South America, both in geographic location and the spirit of the people. It is a bilingual country with a fascinating history, strong cultural traditions, beautiful landscapes and native crafts. But of all the wonderful things Paraguay has to offer, the best part is the incredibly friendly and welcoming people.

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